How to Force Submit/Unsubmit or Delete Student's Assignments
  • 03 Oct 2024
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How to Force Submit/Unsubmit or Delete Student's Assignments

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Article summary

  1. Navigate and log-in to Gladeo via your SSO or

2. Click "Assignments" in the class you want to work on.

3. In the assignments tab, click "Needs Manual Grading"

4. Find the assignment and click "Gradebook"

5. From here, you can do one of three options:

Option A: Find the student(s) name who has an unsubmitted assignment (there will be a big red submit button on their row) and click the checkbox on their row, left of the screen.

6. Option B: If there's only one student or to do it individually, you may also click the red submit button to do it.

7. Option C: Or to bulk submit, click the box next to "Assignment" to select all students.

8. If you selected Option A or C above , click the pink "Edit" button to the right of the screen under "Export."

9. A window labeled "Edit Assignment" will open. You may drag the "Edit Assignment" blue bar on the top of the window to drag it around and expand it by holding and dragging the arrow button on the bottom right of the window.

10. From here, you can do one of the following:

Option 1: You can click "Delete Assignment(s)" to delete the assignment for all students selected. This cannot be undone.

Option 2: You can click "Submit/Unsubmit Assignment(s)"; this will submit unsubmitted assignments or unsubmit submitted assignments selected.

When you are done, click "Save" on the bottom right to confirm your choices.

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