Career Profiles: Proprietary, In-Depth, Real-World, Specific
  • 11 Apr 2023
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Career Profiles: Proprietary, In-Depth, Real-World, Specific

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Article summary

Most career websites merely recycle basic, outdated content pulled from static government resources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics or ONET. But both learners and teachers have told us that they struggle to use BLS and ONET because the information just isn’t relevant or comprehensive enough. Data on basic responsibilities, skills, and salary are certainly important, but successful career navigation requires so much more. It requires an honest, undiluted, comprehensive understanding of a career path, as well as specific, practical advice that learners can apply in the real-world. Gladeo provides both.

Here is how we create our career profiles:

  1. Government Sources: Gladeo only uses government sources as a starting point to conduct our own research.
  2. Interviews with working professionals: We conduct one-on-one interviews with real-life professionals to gather and share crucial insider advice, procedural knowledge, and testimonials, adding a human face and personality to each career path.
  3. Research: We then reference authoritative industry-specific sites offering “insider info” along with university program pages, job portals such as, and other trusted sources.

For many careers (such as software engineering or medicine), BLS may only offer a generalized “catch-all” profile that clusters together numerous subfields. For such complex careers, Gladeo doesn’t just lump the subfields together; we try to break things down. Instead of generalizing about software engineering, for instance, we do separate profiles for front end, back end, DevOps, and full stack careers.

With Gladeo, learners explore career paths in greater depth, reading and listening to details about educational routes to take, skills and certification requirements, practical advice and job-landing tips, plus insights into the “typical day at work.” The platform is packed with resources and handy career progression maps, too.

Combined, our wide range of features offers unprecedented insight and transparency for learners who might otherwise struggle to access such resources in one easy-to-use location. From hundreds of real-world informational interviews to engaging, often thought-provoking career profiles featuring actionable insights, Gladeo stands out from the crowd and connects with learners in more meaningful ways!

Note: We haven’t captured every single career out there yet—but we’re adding new profiles every week.

If there are any you don’t see but would like us to add, please feel free to email us at with the name of the career.

We do our best to prioritize the creation of such requested career pathways.

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